Friday, April 8, 2011

rwth aachen dokumenta za aplikaciju

For the evaluation procedure, plase submit the following documents to the International Office:
  • The employment invitation of the RWTH institution that offers you a position (if applicable)
  • Your CV (personal data sheet)
  • Copy of your university degree certificate
  • Certified translation (into English or German) of your university degree certificate
  • Copy of academic records listing the subjects studies as well as grades (transcripts)
  • Certified translation of transcripts into German or English
  • [this only applies for applicants from China: Certificate of Authenticity (Echtheitsbestätigung) by the Academic Acknowledgement Bureau in Beijing for all submitted university certificates].
Please note: As part of the employment procedure, applicants will have to present their original university degree certificate to the International Office!

via rwth

Fullbright stipendija do 23 may

"Fulbright" redirects here. For the senator, see J. William Fulbright.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Erasmus Prijave do 15. februara

Basileus III is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project and is funded by the European Commission.  The project consortium consists of 8 EU universities and 12 universities in the Western Balkans. Basileus III provides funding for academic mobility from:
  • any Western Balkan institution to the 8 EU partner universities 
  • the 8 EU partner universities to the 12 Western Balkan partner universities
Via a so-called Target Group 2 other nationals of the participating Western Balkan countries can apply, on condition they have obtained a higher education degree in the Western Balkans. For more detailed eligibility criteria, please check this link. Eligible Western Balkan countries are: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Serbia and Croatia.

The project duration is from 30 November 2010 until 29 November 2014. All mobility must start before 31 December 2011 (except staff). Both student and staff have to finish before the end of the eligibility period. The call for applications is open from 7 December 2010 until 15 February 2011.  Apply online here.

More information on the previous 2 projects Basileus I and Basileus II can be found here

For whom?
Students and staff members of all partner universities, both from the Western Balkan countries and the EU, as well as other nationals of the participating Western Balkan countries, can apply for scholarships. We have planned 283 mobilities in total for all types of mobility: Bachelor, Master, PhD, postdoc and staff. You can check the mobility scheme in detail here. Please note that there is some flexibility in this schedule. 

In which academic disciplines?

There are no specific priorities. You can find an overview of all disciplines here. In order to have more information about programmes at every university, please check the section "partners" on this website. 
Download our Basileus folder and the Basileus posters

DAAD prijava

Redosled prijavne dokumetacije:

Za magistarske-/masterstudije, sticanje doktorske titule, istraživačke stipendije (duge i kratke), kao i semestralne stipendije
Vodite računa da se pri prijavljivanju za gore pomenute studijske programe, Vaša dokumentacija složi po sledećem redosledu:
  • Prijavni formular (slika za pasoš na gore)
  • Zatim eventualno kratko propratno pismo Ambasadi ili DAAD-u
  • Motivaciono pismo
  • CV, ukoliko postoji ili se traži i : lista publikacija
  • Opis kurseva/studijskog programa (u internet verziji); kod istraživačkih projekata: kod sticanje doktorske diplome mora se dodatno priložiti vremenski i radni plan, koji je dogovoren sa nemačkim mentorom; poziv nemačkog profesora pri stipendijama za istraživanje i sticanje doktorske diplome. To važi za studente doktorskih studija. Kod studenata koji žele da upišu master potvrda od International Office da je izgledno da možete raditi master.
  • Preporuke (2) profesora iz matične zemlje
  • Hronološki sređena svedočanstva (diplome na gore, matura na dole)
  • DAAD jezička potvrda ili druge potvrde o znanju nemačkog jezika ; TOEFEL ili IELTS kod master studija ili magistarskih studija na engleskom jeziku.
  • Ostalo: dokazi o praksi, sertifikati, potvrde itd.
Sva dokumentacija mora da se   preda u tri kompletna seta (za oblast medicine u četiri) i to na sledeći način(=1 original + 2, odn. 3 kopije).
Sva dokumentacija mora da bude predata u formatu A4 i jednostrano napisana (kao i diplome u najmanje 2 ili 3 kompleta).
Dokumentacija ne bi trebalo da bude zahevtana (izuzetak su diplome), makar u jednom kompletu dokumentacija ne bi trebalo da bude zahevtana. Dokumentacija koja se pošalje u pojedinačnim providnim folijama se neće uzeti u obzir; makar jedan kompletan set treba da bude poslat u A4 formatu.
Molimo Vas da nikada ne šaljete originale svedočanstava, diploma, već kopije(za prijavu su dovoljne obične kopije, odn. prevodi . Overene kopije svedočanstava i prevodi overeni kod sudskog tumača se šalju tek po odobrenju stipendija DAAD-a).
Arhitekte, umetnici i muzičari moraju da pošalju i radne probe/dokumente/tonske zapise/foto-dokumentaciju (pogledaj stranu 4 odn. 5 prijavnog formulara).
Kandidatima se preporučuje da naprave kopiju celokupne dokumentacije za sebe.